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Himani Bannerji is Professor in the Department of Sociology and Department of Equity Studies at York University. Bannerji is responsible for four critically acclaimed CSPI titles: Demography and Democracy: Essays on Nationalism, Gender, and Ideology (2011); The Dark Side of the Nation: Essays on Multiculturalism, Nationalism, and Gender (2000); Thinking Through: Essays on Feminism, Marxism, and Anti-Racism (1995); and Unsettling Relations: The University as a Site of Feminist Struggles (co-edited with Linda Carty and Kari Delhi, 1991). She is also the author of numerous scholarly works including Of Property and Propriety: The Role of Gender and Class in Imperialism and Nationalism (with S. Mojab and J. Whitehead, University of Toronto Press, 2001). Her research interests include Marxist, feminist, and anti-racist theory; colonial discourse; and gender, colonialism, and imperialism. She was the recipient of the CIDA-Shastri Partnership Grant on women’s reproductive health in Kolkata and the winner of the Rabindra Memorial Prize for her book Inventing Subjects: Studies in Hegemony, Patriarchy, and Colonialism (Anthem Press, 2002).


  • May 1995
  • 9780889612082
  • $27.95 Print
  • $22.95 Digital

Thinking Through

Essays on Feminism, Marxism and Anti-racism
Himani Bannerji
  • April 2000
  • 9781551301723
  • $40.95 Print
  • $35.95 Digital

Dark Side of the Nation

Essays on Multiculturalism, Nationalism, and Gender
Himani Bannerji
  • March 2011
  • 9781551303895
  • $54.95 Print
  • $49.95 Digital

Demography and Democracy

Essays on Nationalism, Gender, and Ideology
Himani Bannerji