Engaging ideas, transforming minds
Engaging ideas, transforming minds

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Dr. Tina C. Montreuil is an Assistant Professor of School/Applied Child Psychology at McGill University and a Clinical School Psychologist. As a licensed member of the Quebec Order of Psychologists and the College of Psychologists of Ontario, as well as a credentialed member of the Canadian Association of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapies, she practices privately with children, families, and adult populations. Her research focuses on investigating the role of emotion regulation and anxiety disorders in children and how related deficits may not only lead to the development of psychopathology, but also affect school adaptation and academic achievement.


  • May 2017
  • 9781551309880
  • $59.95 Print
  • $54.95 Digital

Healthy Minds, Healthy Schools

Strategies and Activities for Happy and Successful Learners
Tina Montreuil, Micah Tilley