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Canadian Scholars
630 pages
6.75 x 9.75 inches
December 2017
Print ISBN: 9781773380032


The revised and thoroughly updated third edition of An Introduction to Global Health is constructed around three essential questions: "Why is population health so poor in developing countries?"; "What is the scope of the issue?"; "How can it be remediated?" By considering aspects of the topic that are often neglected—including poverty, malnutrition, wars, governance, and humanitarian disasters—Seear and Ezezika provide a comprehensive overview of the various determinants of global health and its inevitable companion, the modern aid industry.

This informative and accessible introduction examines potential solutions to health inequity via a combination of primary health care strategies, poverty alleviation, developing world debt relief, and human rights interventions. New to the third edition is an updated discussion on global health in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals, as well as the addition of chapter summaries, critical-thinking questions, and recommended readings. This new edition is an ideal resource for undergraduate students in global health courses.


Table of Contents


Part I What Is Global Health?
1 An Overview of Global Health
2 A History of International Aid

Part II Why Are Poor Populations Less Healthy Than Rich Ones?
3 The Basic Requirements for a Healthy Life
4 War and Civil Unrest
5 Poverty and Developing World Debt
6 Malnutrition
7 Governance and Human Rights in Developing Countries
8 Water, Sanitation, and Infectious Diseases in Developing Countries

Part III What Are the Types and Extent of Ill Health in Developing Countries?
9 How to Define and Measure Health
10 The Diseases of Adults and Children in Developing Countries

Part IV What Can Be Done to Help?
11 The Structure of the Foreign Aid Industry
12 Primary Health Care Strategies: The Essential Foundation
13 Curative Medical Care and Targeted Programs
14 Poverty Reduction, Debt Relief, and Economic Growth
15 Building Peace, Good Governance, and Social Capital

Part V Other Aspects of Global Health
16 Natural and Humanitarian Disasters and Displaced Populations
17 The Health and Rights of Indigenous Populations

Part VI: Working Safely and Effectively in a Developing Country
18 Planning and Preparing for Safe and Effective Development Work
19 How to Manage a Sustainable Aid Partnership

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