Engaging ideas, transforming minds
Engaging ideas, transforming minds

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Canadian Scholars
318 pages
6.75 x 9.75 inches
July 2022
Print ISBN: 9781773383163
Forthcoming | Spring 2022


DisAppearing offers a relational orientation to disability studies. From encounters with disability and disabled people in educational settings from elementary school to university, in novels and other texts, in hospitals and policing, in dance, on the street, and in community centres, as well as in considerations of injury and healing, and life and death, the chapters in this collection explore a variety of cultural scenes of disability. By doing so, this collection reveals what disability can mean through scenes of its dis/ appearance and demonstrates how to remake these meanings in more life-affirming ways.

Encouraging critical engagement with how disability is noticed and lived, the many chapters, as well as poetry, narrative, and a podcast transcript, reveal the meaning of disability appearing and disappearing in everyday life and beyond. Bringing together the work of scholars, artists, and activists, many of whom identify as disabled, DisAppearing encourages students to approach disability differently and to reimagine its appearance in the world.

Engaging, political, artistic, and philosophical, this text, with an emphasis on the Canadian context, is an invaluable resource for disability studies students and instructors.

Table of Contents

Alternative Thematic Table of Contents

Foreword, by Rod Michalko

Introduction, by Tanya Titchkosky, Elaine Cagulada, and Madeleine DeWelles

Part I: DisAppearing DisAbility: Demonstrations in Theory and Practice

Chapter 1: DisAppearing Promises: The University’s Unfortunate Framing of Disability, by Tanya Titchkosky

Chapter 2: Nativity, by Hanna Herdegen

Chapter 3: Navigating Borderlands: Deaf and Hearing Experiences in Post-Secondary Education, by Sammy Jo Johnson & Sarah Beck

Chapter 4: Let Me Hear You Say Black Lives Matter, by Thomas Reid

Part II: DisAppearing DisEmbodiment

Chapter 5: Between Peace and Disturbance: Anorexia, Control, and Embodiment, by Madeleine DeWelles

Chapter 6: Disabling Curricular Encounters: The Barriers in Barrier-Free Access, by Maria Karmiris

Chapter 7: Ghosts, Mice, and Robots: DisAppearing the Autistic Person, by Helen Rottier, Ben Pfingston, & Josh Guberman

Chapter 8: Performing Dyslexia in Contemporary Japan, by Satsuki Kawano

Chapter 9: Tuning Goes Frig, by Sid Ghosh

Part III: DisAppearing Drama

Chapter 10: Blind Perception: DisAppearing Blindness … With a Twist, by Devon Healey

Chapter 11: Embracing the Gesture: A Dance of the Ordinary and Its Extra, by Jose Miguel Esteban

Chapter 12: Shapeshifting: Navigating the Social Construction of Multiple Disability Identities, by Steve Singer

Chapter 13: Charles Darwin and Me/Chronic Illness Dictionary, by Diane Driedger

Part IV: DisAppearing Departures, Diagnoses, and Death

Chapter 14: The Impositions of Forgotten Wor(l)ds: Rehabilitation and Memory Loss, by Lindsay Gravelle

Chapter 15: The DisAppearances of Deafness in Early Childhood Diagnostic and Intervention Practices, by Tracey Edelist

Chapter 16: Diagnosing Despair: Constructing Experience through Psychiatric Hegemony, by Efrat Gold & Sharry Taylor

Chapter 17: An Autist Amongst Exceptionalities, by Joey Tavares

Chapter 18: DisAppearing Disability: Disability MAiD Invisible, by Nancy Hansen

Chapter 19: The Pill Box Shuffle, by Leanne Toshiko Simpson

Part V: DisAppearing Dreams

Chapter 20: The Infinity of the Encounter: Deafness, Disability, Race, and the Sound of Story, by Elaine Cagulada

Chapter 21: “Where Are the Goddamn Pens?”: And Other DisAppearances in Writing Intellectual Disability, by Chelsea Temple Jones

Chapter 22: Are You My Homi? Close (Autistic) Encounters of the Third Kind, by Maya Chacaby

Chapter 23: Magic Wand, by Lynn Manning

Contributor Biographies



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