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512 pages
6 x 9 inches
June 2003
Print ISBN: 9781551302256


This book consists of 27 chapters developed from papers originally delivered at a recent conference at the University of Toronto on anti-oppressive practice in social work. Dr. Shera has gathered expert contributors to discuss, define, and analyse theories of social work practice, pedagogical issues, fieldwork practice, models of education of social work practitioners, and current critical issues. These selected conference papers lay the groundwork for anti-oppressive practice in a way that will generate discussion and inspire researchers and practitioners.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Anti-Oppressive Practice: Emerging Perspectives and Future Challenges
Wes Shera


Chapter 1: Theorizing Social Exclusion: Determinants, Mechanisms, Dimensions, Forms, and Acts of Resistance
Luann Good Gingrich

Chapter 2: Margins as Centres: A Theory of Social Inclusion in Anti-Oppressive Social Work
Rick Sin and Miu Chun Yan

Chapter 3: Race, Class, and Gender in the Everyday Talk of Social Workers: The Ways We Limit the Possibilities for Radical Practice
Donna Baines

Chapter 4: Structural Social Work as Seen from an Aboriginal Perspective
Cyndy Baskin

Chapter 5: Cultural Diversity in Social Work Practice: Where Are We Now and What Are the Challenges in Addressing Issues of Justice and Oppression?
Connie H. Nelson and Dennis H. McPherson


Chapter 6: Child Welfare: AOP's Nemesis?
Gary C. Dumbrill

Chapter 7: Services for Street Youth: Do They Reproduce, Contribute to, and Perpetuate Oppression?
Charis Romilly

Chapter 8: "Meaningful" Participation and Governance: Lessons from Visible Minority Parents Using Child Care
Evelyn Ferguson

Chapter 9: Inclusion by Design: The Challenge for Social Work in Workplace Accommodation for People with Disabilities
Donald R. Leslie, Kaye Leslie, and Michelle Murphy

Chapter 10: Communities That Foster Diverse Modes of Existence Versus Societies Based on Control: A PHenomenological Approach to Improve the Deinstitutionalization Process
Alain Beaulieu

Chapter 11: Anti-Oppressive Practice with Older Adults: A Feminist Post-structural Perspective
Deborah O'Connor


Chapter 12: Social Work Identity and Purpose: Real or Imagined?
Ken Barber

Chapter 13: Narrative Therapy: Reifying or Challenging Dominant Discourse
Catrina Brown

Chapter 14: Reconceptualizing Empathy for Anti-Oppressive, Culturally Competent Practice
Janet L. Clark

Chapter 15: Seeking Cultural Competence: What Is It, How Do You Develop It, and How Do You Know When You've Got It?
Charmaine C. Williams

Chapter 16: Listening to the Voices of Service Participants in Child Protective Services, Children's Mental Health, and Psychotherapy
Marshall Fine, Sally Palmer, and Nick Coady

Chapter 17: A Community Approach to Combating Racism
Roopchand Seebaran

Chapter 18: Community Practice in the Internet Age
Steven F. Hick

Chapter 19: The Right to Food: An Essential Element in a Successful War against Terrorism
William H. Simpson Whitaker


Chapter 20: Controversies, Tensions, and Contradictions: Anti-Oppression and Social Justice in the Social Work Curriculum
Judy Hughes, Shirley Chau, Pamela James, and Steven Sherman

Chapter 21: Beyond the Role Play: Alternative Teaching Methods in an Anti-Oppression Classroom
Samantha Wehbi

Chapter 22: Understanding Multiple Oppressions and How They Impact the Person Requesting Assistance
Gilles Tremblay

Chapter 23: Principles and Practices of Anti-Oppressive Pedagogy as Represented by Dr. Terry Swice
Carolyn Campbell

Chapter 24: Are We Ready to Take a Stand? Education about Heterosexism - Fostering Anti-Oppressive Practice
Mike Woodford and Leslie Bella

Chapter 25: Critical Issues in Field Instruction: Empowerment Principles and Issues of Power and Control
Jeanne Bertrand Finch, Jean Bacon, Donna Klassen, and Betty-Jean Wrase

Chapter 26: Promoting Anti-Oppressive Social Work Education: The University of Calgary's Access Learning Circle Model
Michael Kim Zapf, William Pelech, Betty Bastien, Ralph Bodoy, Jeannine Carriere, and Gail Zuk

Chapter 27: Managing Institutional Practices to Promote and Strengthen Diversity: One School's Journey
Nancy MacDonald, Wanda Thomas-Bernard, Carolyn Campbell, Jeanne Fay, Judy MacDonald, and Brenda Richard

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