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Engaging ideas, transforming minds

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253 pages
6 x 9 inches
December 1992
Print ISBN: 9780889611191


A small group of women from a reserve called Tobique embarrassed the Canadian government in front of the world and brought the plight of Native women and Native experience to the eyes of millions.

These are their stories about growing up Native and female. It is the story of a struggle to end one hundred years of legislated sexual discrimination against Native women in Canada. Their struggle started with the occupation of a band office, continued with a hundred-mile march to Ottawa, and ended up in the United Nations.

Table of Contents


Part I: Women of Tobique
Chapter I: Strong Women, Hard Times
Lily Harris
Ida Paul
Eva Saulis (Gookum)
Mavis Goeres
Joyce (Y.C.) Sappier and Bet-te Paul
Juanita Perley
Shirley Bear
Glenna Perley
Caroline Ennis
Sandra Lovelace Sappier
Karen Perley
Bet-te Paul
Cheryl Bear

Part II: Organizing
Chapter II: We’re Not Taking it Anymore
Chapter III: All for a Decent House
Chapter IV: On to Ottawa: The Year of the Walk
Chapter V: Lobbying
Chapter VI: Retrospective

Chronology of Events


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