Engaging ideas, transforming minds
Engaging ideas, transforming minds

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346 pages
6 x 9 inches
April 2010
Print ISBN: 9780889614710


The evolution of feminist therapy involves the reconstruction of therapeutic goals, values, frameworks, and theory, as well as an acknowledgement that there is no single reality, no one "right" feminist theory or epistemological position about women. This collection of original articles addresses a range of topics relevant to understanding contemporary Canadian women's experiences. The contributors are, like the women who enter into counselling relationships, from diverse backgrounds and experiences, and speak in a variety of voices.


  • discusses multiculturalism, motherhood, women's sexuality, woman abuse, violence against women, dominance relationships, and mental health concerns affecting Aboriginal women's realities
  • considers embodiment, lesbianism, ethics, social justice, crisis counselling, storytelling, and women who are mandated to seek counselling

Table of Contents

Introduction: Negotiation Social Complexities in Counselling Practice
Lynda R. Ross and Marie Lovrod

Section I: Women in Context: Feminist Theory's Contribution to Understanding Women's Lived Realities

Chapter 1: Women on the Margins: Honouring Multiple and Intersecting Cultural Identities
Sandra Collins

Chapter 2: Mom's the Word: Attachment Theory's Role in Defining the "Good Mother"
Lynda R. Ross

Chapter 3: Male Violence against Women and Girls: What Feminist Counsellors Need to Know to Begin Their Work with Women
Charlene Y. Senn

Chapter 4: Hitting Like a Girl: An Integrated and Contextualized Approach to Confronting the Feminist Dilemma of Women's Use of Violence
Susan LeBlanc

Section II: The Political as Personal: Socio-cultural Factors Informing Feminist Practice

Chapter 5: A Word Is Worth a Thousand Pictures: Counselling with Metis and First Nations Women
Cathy Richardson

Chapter 6: Aboriginal Women and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: Implications of Culture on Therapy and Counselling Practices
Kathy M. Bent

Chapter 7: Considerations in Counselling Children and Adult Survivors of Childhood Traumas: Community, Context, and Intersubjective Resiliencies
Marie Lovrod

Chapter 8: No "Body" to Blame?: Socio-cultural Influences on Girls and Women
Gina Wong-Wylie and Shelly Russell-Mayhew

Chapter 9: Is Being a Lesbian a Queer Thing to Do?
Bonita Decaire and Deborah Foster

Section III: Counselling Practice as Feminist Praxis

Chapter 10: Counselling Women: Ethics for Diversity and Social Justice
Jean Pettifor and Judi Malone

Chapter 11: Feminist Counsellors Respond to Abuse in Lesbian Relationships: Confronting Heteronormalcy
Janice L. Ristock

Chapter 12: Feminist Crisis Counselling
Karen M. Nielsen and Ann Marie Dewhurst

Chapter 13: Telling Stories to Make Sense of Job Loss
Arlene M.C. Young

Chapter 14: Engaging Women Who Are Mandated to Participate in Counselling
Ann Marie Dewhurst and Karen M. Nielsen

Appendix 1: Guidelines for the Ethical Delivery of Psychological Services for Women


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