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300 pages
6.75 x 9.75 inches
September 2012
Print ISBN: 9781551304144


Race and Sport in Canada: Intersecting Inequalities is the first anthology to explore intersections of race with the constructions of gender, sexuality, class, and ability within the context of Canadian sport settings.

Written by a collection of emerging and established scholars, this book is broadly organized around three interrelated areas: historical approaches to the study of race and sport in Canada; Canadian immigration and the study of race and sport; and the study of race and sport beyond Canada's borders. Within these themes, a variety of relevant topics are discussed, including black football players in twentieth-century Canada, the structural barriers to sports participation faced by immigrants arriving to Atlantic Canada, and NCAA scholarships and Canadian athletes.

Race and Sport in Canada will be of interest to the general reader as well as to instructors and students in the fields of sport studies, sociology, critical race studies, cultural studies, and education.

Table of Contents


Part One: Historical Approaches to the Study of Race in Canada
1. Sport and the Canadian Immigrant: Physical Expressions of Cultural Identity within a Dominant Culture, 1896-1945, Russell Field
2. Football and "Tolerance": Black Football Players in 20th Century Canada, John Valentine and Simon Darnell
3. Hockey and the Reproduction of Colonialism in Canada, Andreas Krebs
4. New Racism and Old Stereotypes in the National Hockey League: The "Stacking" of Aboriginal Players into the Role of Enforcer, John Valentine

Part Two: Canadian Immigration and the Study of Race and Sport
5. Gender, Immigration, and Physical Activity: The Experiences of Chinese Immigrant Women, Xin Huang, Wendy Frisby, and Lucie Thibault
6. Understanding Structural Barriers in Amateur Sport and the Participation of Immigrants in Atlantic Canada, Lori A. Livingston and Susan Tirone

Part Three: The Study of Race and Sport Beyond Canada's Borders
7. Managing Whiteness in "Sport for Development and Peace" Internships, Simon Darnell
8. Playing in Chinatown: A Critical Discussion of the Nation/Sport/Citizen Triad, Yuka Nakamura
9. An Intersectional Analysis of Black Sporting Masculinities, Janelle Joseph
10. Athletic Aspirations: NCAA Scholarships and Canadian Athletes, Sandy Wells


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