Engaging ideas, transforming minds
Engaging ideas, transforming minds

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320 pages
6.75 x 9.75 inches
September 2000
Print ISBN: 9781894549028


This collection deepens our understandings of the ways women are controlled through their bodies. Despite the many inroads made over the past decades, femininity and womanhood continue to be constructed through cultural, political and social ideals. Women's Bodies/Women's Lives is an excellent resource for a powerful movement that can challenge and resist the dominant ideas in society influencing women's sense of self.

Table of Contents

Introduction - Baukje Miedema, Janet M. Stoppard and Vivienne Anderson

Part I: Altered Bodies
Chapter One: A Will of Its Own: Experiencing the Body in Severe Chronic Illnss - Vivienne Anderson
Chapter Two: Altered Bodies/Altered Selves: Exploring Women's Accounts of Illness Experiences - Roanne Thomas-MacLean
Chapter Three: Breath and Body Wisdom: Experiencing the Personal Power of Self - Barbara Lynn Cull-Wilby
Chapter Four: Understanding Depression from the Standpoint of Women Who Have Been Depressed - Janet M. Stoppard, Yvette Scattolon and Deanna J. Gammell
Chapter Five: Asylum or Cure? Women's Experiences of Psychiatric Hospitalization - Baukje Miedema and Janet M. Stoppard
Chapter Six: "Old Bags" Under the Knife: Facial Cosmetic Surgery among Women - Diane Cepanec and Barbara Payne
Chapter Seven: Polluted Bodies: Inuit Identity and the Arctic Food Chain - Chris Egan
Chapter Eight: Witness: Testament of a Journey - Addena Sumter-Freitag

Part II: Objectified Bodies
Chapter Nine: Revisioning the Body/Mind from an Eastern Perspective: Comments on Experience, Embodiment and Pedagogy - Roxana Ng
Chapter Ten: Shattering the Mirror: A Young Woman's Story of Weight Preoccupation - Kate Rossiter
Chapter Eleven: One Mother and Daughter Approach to Resisting Wight Preoccupation - Gail Marchessault
Chapter Twelve: Women, Weight and Appearance Satisfaction: An Ageless Pursuit of Thinness - Michelle N. Lafrance, Marilyn T. Zivian and Anita M. Meyers
Chapter Thirteen: Contours of Everyday Life: Women's Reflections on Embodiment and Health Over Time - Pamela Wakewich
Chapter Fourteen: Negotiating Sexuality: Lesbians in the Canadian Military - Lynne Gouliquer
Chapter Fifteen: From Airbrushing to Liposuction: The Technological Reconstruction of the Female Body - Fabienne Darling-Wolf
Chapter Sixteen: From Razor Girls to Bionic Women: Extraordinary Cyborg Women in Popular Culture - Mia Consalvo



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