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408 pages
6.75 x 9.75 inches
October 2011
Print ISBN: 9781551303963


Now in its second edition, this reader presents a critical examination of the changing structure of work in Canada and abroad. Its focus is on the role of Canadian labour in the globalized world. Contributors include David Livingstone, Pat Armstrong, Meg Luxton, Dave Broad, and other prominent Canadian scholars. Each of the seven themed sections begins with a contextual introduction by Vivian Shalla and concludes with critical thinking questions and suggestions for further reading.

New to this edition:

  • All new content: 14 up-to-date chapters reflecting the current state of research on work in Canada
  • New section on informal care work
  • More workplace-based chapters that provide a view "from the shop floor"

Table of Contents

Preface to the Second Edition

Section I: Contextualizing the Transformation of Work: Globalization and Neoliberalism

Chapter 1: Capitalism Rebooted? The New Economy Might Not Be All That New
Dave Broad and Wayne Antony

Chapter 2: The Neoliberal Rollback in Historical Perspective
Thom Workman

Section II: The Reorganization of Work in the Manufacturing and Service Sectors

Chapter 3: Auto Workers' Learning in Lean Production
David W. Livingstone and Olivia Wilson

Chapter 4: Dialling for Service: Transforming the Public Sector Workplace in Canada
Norene J. Pupo and Andrea Noack

Section III: The Increasing Precariousness of Work and the Flexibilization of Working Time

Chapter 5: Precarious Work, Privatization, and the Health-Care Industry: The Case of Ancillary Workers
Pat Armstrong and Kate Laxer

Chapter 6: Shifting Temporalities: Economic Restructuring and the Politics of Working Time
Vivian Shalla

Section IV: Racialization, Labour Migration, and Transformed Labour Markets

Chapter 7: Racializing Work/Reproducing White Privilege
Gillian Creese

Chapter 8: Labour Migration and Temporary Work: Canada's Foreign-Worker Programs in the "New Economy"
Mark Thomas

Section V: Experiencing and Responding to Workplace and Labour Market Restructuring

Chapter 9: Flows, Eddies, Swamps, and Whirlpools: Inequality and the Experience of Work Change
Janet Siltanen, Alette Willis, and Willow Scobie

Chapter 10: "Doing Something Meaningful": Gender and Public Service during Municipal Government Restructuring
Diana Worts, Bonnie Fox, and Peggy McDonough

Section VI: Informal Care Work and the Balancing of Paid Work and Family Responsibilities

Chapter 11: Mr. Dithers Comes to Dinner: Telework and the Merging of Women's Work and Home Domains in Canada
Laura C. Johnson, Jean Audrey, and Susan M. Shaw

Chapter 12: Friends, Neighbours, and Community: A Case Study of the Role of Informal Caregiving in Social Reproduction
Meg Luxton

Section VII: Union Renewal and Alternative Organizing Strategies

Chapter 13: Cross-Constituency Organizing: A Vehicle for Union Renewal
Linda Briskin

Chapter 14: Renewal from Different Directions: The Case of UNITE-HERE Local 75
Steven Tufts


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