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Engaging ideas, transforming minds

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290 pages
6.75 x 9.75 inches
August 2022
Print ISBN: 9781773383132
Forthcoming | Spring 2022


Creative Industries in Canada is a foundational text that encourages students to think critically about creative industries within a Canadian context and interrogate the current state and future possibilities of the industry. While much of current creative industries literature concerns the United Kingdom, the United States, and Asia, this text captures the breadth of how Canadian industries are organized and experienced, and how they operate.

This ambitious collection aims to guide students through the current landscape of Canadian creative industries through three thematic sections. “Production” collects chapters focused on how national discourses and identities are produced through creative industries and the tensions that exist between policy and media. “Participation” explores how we engage with these industries in different roles: as consumer, creator, policy-maker, and more. “Pedagogies” explores how education impacts inclusion and visibility in creative industries.

Truly intersectional, Creative Industries in Canada provides students with practical industry knowledge and frameworks to explore the current state of the field and its future. With a broad application to many undergraduate programs, this text is a must-read resource for those pursuing media studies, arts management, creative and cultural industries studies, communications, and arts and humanities.

Table of Contents


Introduction by Cheryl Thompson and Miranda Campbell

Part I: Production: Meaning Making in the Creative Industries

Chapter 1: Creativity Policies and Districts: The Ambiguous Meaning of Creativity as a Source of Local Tensions in Montréal by Joëlle Gélinas and Anouk Bélanger

Chapter 2: Race and Representation in Canadian Public Podcasting: A CBC Study by Jeff Donison

Chapter 3: Institutional Production of Heritage within the Culture Sector in Canada by Susan L. T. Ashley

Part II: Participation: Working and Community Building in the Creative Industries

Chapter 4: Laughter from the Sidelines: Precarious Work in the Canadian Comedy Industry by Madison Trusolino

Chapter 5: Film in Canada’s Creative Industries: Old Barriers and New Opportunities by George Turnbull

Chapter 6: Inclusion, Access, and Equity: Diversity Initiatives in Canada’s Game Industry by Matthew E. Perks and Jennifer R. Whitson

Chapter 7: Creative Hubs: Sites of Community and Creative Work by Mary Elizabeth (M. E.) Luka

Part III: Pedagogies: Teaching and Learning through the Creative Industries

Chapter 8: Don Cherry’s “You People” Rant: A Critical Race Approach to Understanding Corporate Nationalism, Audience Commodification, and Cultural Citizenship by Ryan J. Phillips

Chapter 9: When Black History Month Media Posts Double as Pedagogical Tools: Appraising Existing Black History Month Coverage and Proposing Future Directions by Selina Linda Mudavanhu

Chapter 10: Applying Critical Creativity: Navigating Tensions Between Art and Business in the Creative City by Brandon McFarlane

Chapter 11: Transforming Industry Standards: Tensions between Social Change and Media Production Education by Ki Wight


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