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Engaging ideas, transforming minds

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Canadian Scholars
304 pages
6 x 9 inches
November 2013
Print ISBN: 9781551305462


In this era of economic uncertainty, there has been renewed interest in the benefits of adult and higher education for economic and professional gain. André P. Grace questions this perspective and advocates for a holistic view that also incorporates the social, cultural, and personal benefits of learning as a lifelong pursuit.

A detailed and thoughtful critique of the effects of neoliberalism and globalization on adult and higher education, this book examines the quality of lifelong learning in historical and contemporary contexts, with an emphasis on multivariate learner populations and education as a platform for social engagement, ethics, and justice. Weaving together academic analysis and first-person reflections, the author addresses the diverse needs of learners from Canada and around the world in a variety of social and economic situations.

An essential text for anyone interested in the development of lifelong-learning policy and practice, Lifelong Learning as Critical Action is a call to action that challenges readers to engage with lifelong learning as a critical, democratic, and inclusive process.


  • incorporates theoretical analyses, narrative vignettes, and first-person reflection to develop a compelling argument
  • emphasizes multivariate learner populations and education as a platform for social engagement, ethics, and justice
  • contains inclusive and holistic examples from Canada and around the world that situate the discussions in a real-life context

Table of Contents

List of Acronyms
Introduction: Moving Beyond Omissions to Achieve Holistic, Proactive, and Inclusive Learning for All

Chapter 1: Positioning Citizens, Situating Latter-Day Lifelong Learning
Chapter 2: Learners’ Quests to Live Full and Satisfying Lives
Chapter 3: Lifelong Learning Chic in the Modern Practice of Adult Education: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
Chapter 4: Lifelong Learning as a Chameleonic Concept and Versatile Practice: Recounting Y2K Perspectives and Trends
Chapter 5: International Educational Policy-Making in a Neoliberal Change Culture of Crisis and Challenge
Chapter 6: Transnational Travesties for Sexual Minorities as Subaltern Learners: An Exchange with Robert J. Hill
Conclusion: Beyond the Vast Economic Debacle

About the Author


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