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275 pages
6 x 9 inches
September 2015
Print ISBN: 9781551308821


This second edition of Research as Resistance builds upon the resistance-based methods featured in the first edition and contributes to the recent resurgence of marginalized knowledges in social science research, drawing from Indigenous, feminist, and critical race scholarship. Bringing together the theory and practice of anti-oppressive research, this text emphasizes the importance of critical reflexivity and participatory methods. The contributors to this volume, including both emerging and established scholars, write from marginalized perspectives, explore a variety of methodologies, and address current theoretical issues in social justice research, discussing ontological and epistemological considerations within the field.

This substantially revised and updated edition features new chapters that address narrative research, Foucauldian methods, community action research, queer theory, and insurgent Indigenous research. The text provides a solid foundation in specific methodologies while also highlighting their emancipatory potential. With a unique emphasis on both the theoretical foundations and practical applications of socially just research, this collection is an invaluable resource for senior undergraduate and graduate courses on anti-oppressive practice and research theory and methods in the social sciences.

Table of Contents

Introduction: From Resistance to Resurgence, Susan Strega and Leslie Brown

Chapter One: Becoming an Anti-Oppressive Researcher, Karen L. Potts and Leslie Brown
Chapter Two: Emerging from the Margins: Indigenous Methodologies, Margaret Kovach
Chapter Three: Situating Anti-Oppressive Th eories within Critical and Difference-Centred Perspectives, Mehmoona Moosa-Mitha
Chapter Four: Our Community Action Research Project: A Blueprint for Resistance, Jenny Holder
Chapter Five: The View from the Poststructural Margins: Epistemology and Methodology Reconsidered, Susan Strega
Chapter Six: Narrative Research and Resistance: A Cautionary Tale, Heather Fraser and Michele Jarldorn
Chapter Seven: Honouring the Oral Traditions of the Ta’t Mustimuxw (Ancestors) through Storytelling, Qwul’sih’yah’maht (Robina Anne Thomas)
Chapter Eight: AIDS, Men, and Sex: Challenges of a Genderqueer Methodology, Elizabeth (Eli) Manning
Chapter Nine: "On the Footsteps of Foucault": Doing Foucauldian Discourse Analysis in Social Justice Research, Teresa Macias
Chapter Ten: Researching the Resurgence: Insurgent Research and Community-Engaged Methodologies in 21st-Century Academic Inquiry, Adam Gaudry

Contributor Biographies


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